Business Performance Conversion Testing

Who owns Conversion Rate Optimisation in your company?

“Who owns the website?” It’s a simple question, but one that is difficult to answer. I couldn’t say for sure, when I was asked it this week. If you asked the same question to people from different departments across your organisation, I expect you’d get many different answers. The majority of which would be along the lines […]

Business Performance

Your website stinks!

Picture this internal monologue in the mind of a prospective customer… Argh, time to renew my home insurance again. What was the TV ad I saw with the special deal if I switch to them? The one with the singing pig… Bah, I’ll Google it…’l-o-w c-o-s-t h-o-m-e i-n-s-u-r-a-n-c-e’… Hmmm, was it this one? [click]…that rings […]