This far in you’d think brands would’ve started to figure out this social media malarky. There’s plenty of best practice advice available, and dare I say it, common sense should help. But still, there are plenty of examples of how brands shoot themselves in the foot with their social media strategy. There’s no cookie cutter […]
Category: Social Media
How to avoid the #SocialFAIL
If you were on Twitter this weekend, you’ll likely have seen a couple of brands receiving considerable attention for tweets posted by their official accounts. Whilst management at Tesco Mobile may well be grinning today, the mood will likely be a little more uncomfortable in the offices of The Sun newspaper. The Sun Showbiz account, […]
You’ve seen it before, the head-shaker. The comment left in social media that makes you roll your eyes and mutter “FFS!” under your breath. It’s usually either blatantly wrong, unfair or just plain moronic. Either way, there just isn’t anything you can do about it. As a representative of the brand you know you can’t […]
It’s remarkable how quickly the Always On culture has established. It’s insinuated itself within our lives to the point people often remark they cannot remember what they did or how they coped before it. Social and Mobile are, of course, at the heart of its meteoric rise. The adoption of both as ‘must-haves’ in our […]
Yesterday Instagram revealed that as of January 16th, it will have the perpetual right to sell users’ photographs without payment or notification. This disturbs me. I’ve been a fan of Instagram for a long time, though not a prolific user. I admire their journey, how they built this incredibly popular tool and network with just […]
Are you a Facebook Fanatic?
It has been suggested to me on more than one occasion that I may be spending far too much time in social media. And they may have a point. I have five accounts on Twitter, two on Facebook, plus underused pages on Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram, Foursquare and Quora. I’ve at least kept away from Pinterest. […]
“Oh no. Have you seen what this guy said about us on Twitter?” Words to strike dread into any Marketer. “Stop what you’re doing, we need to fix this. Now” If you monitor social media mentions of your brand, you’ve probably experienced a variation of this scenario yourself. It’s not fun and depending on what’s […]
In his post ‘Social Media requires a different perspective on talent – developing a social workforce’, Felix Wetzel referenced a comment from Brian Halligan’s (Hubspot) presentation at Dreamforce: ‘No traditional marketing skills and background are required, instead “hire people who speak digital without an accent. Hire people that blog, have twitter followers and are on […]
t irritates me when I hear Twitter, Facebook et al, blamed for loss of productivity and foot in mouth faux pas by employees. That inevitably leads to the discussion regarding banning the networks from the workplace or the introduction of a lengthy social media policy within the business. Stop blaming the tools – it’s the […]
Sport is big business. The competition on the field is nothing compared to the competition off it for fandom, viewership and in this economic climate, the fan’s dollar / pound. Recognising its potential, Sports businesses are looking to social media to help them reinforce and develop their relationships with fans – and of course to […]