And that was 2009. Hopefully yours was a good one, it certainly was for me. On reflection, much happened in 2009 – both from a personal and web perspective. So much, in fact, it’s hard to imagine it all happened in just 365 days. I felt like I learnt a lot this year. Much of […]
Category: Social Media
Social Media Innovation
Now is the time to innovate, not stick your head in the sand and wait for the storm to pass by. That is the theme of my article on social media innovation in this quarter’s edition of Figaro Digital Magazine. The takeaway thought from the article was that whilst budgets are being cut left, right […]
Robin Goad, Research Director of Hitwise UK revealed some interesting statistics regarding the growth of Twitter today. Writing on his Hitwise blog, Goad reported UK traffic to the micro-blogging site has increased 22-fold in the last 12 months. That growth has meant that has leapt from the 969th most visited site (May ’08) in […]
Depending on your Twitter Follow list, you may have already seen the buzz over changes to Google Profiles recently. Whilst the product has been around for a while (in relative obscurity), two recent announcements have fixed the spotlight firmly upon it. First off was a relatively low key announcement a few weeks ago, revealing that […]
10 Signs You’re Addicted To Twitter
“My name is @garyr0binson and I’m a Twitterholic” Okay, maybe not, but you have to admit, it can get very addictive. Who hasn’t found themselves saying to someone “be with you in a minute, just need to check something first…”? C’mon, @leeodden, @yoast, @the_gman or @scobleizer or @avinashkaushik might have just tweeted something I need […]
Oh dear. I guess the folks over at Ryanair, the cheap flights specialist, haven’t been doing much reading on the power of self publishing and social media lately. It’s the only way you could really explain the two-feet-firmly-in-mouth approach to their public relations over the past week. If you’re not familiar with the story, it […]
In my quest to understand Twitter, I’ve discovered two things – 1) a great resource in the Marketing Over Coffee podcast by John Wall and Christopher Penn and 2) a revealing – and free – Twitter Power Guide by the aforementioned Mr Penn. The podcast in itself is great listening and it’s given me something […]
What’s the point of Twitter?
That’s the question that started me down the route of this blog. Prompted by a speaker’s comment at November’s IAB Engage 2008 Conference in London, I scribbled the following note down in my complementary pad… What’s the point of Twitter? I had no idea really. For me, it seemed like another social media fad. Something […]